2008年6月5日 星期四

Patriot my butt

So politics in Hong Kong really make me laugh.

A new group of deputy ministers and assistants have been appointed in HK. Since these new group of public servants were also awarded with fat salaries - HK$130,000 per month for the lowest rank, they had stole some public and media attention.

One of which, is that some of these deputy ministers and assistants also hold passports of foreign countries like Canada, Britain, etc. So what? Well, "they are not patriots", some claimed. Therefore, they don't deserve high profile public jobs.

Consequently, these candidates resort to giving up their foreign residency rights and passports in hope of pleasing the general public. So they can keep the jobs.

Let's analyze the logic a bit here. If they were not patriots because of their foreign residency, then they don't qualified, period. Given up their foreign passports at this stage really doesn't change a thing. Patriotism cannot be bought, not publicly anyways. What these candidates really bought by giving up their passports was a fat-paid job, not patriotism!

And how does anyone not see this? Isn't it too obvious?

If I were the general public, I would fire the ones who gave up their passports before those who opt to keep theirs. Given both groups do not qualify as patriots, at least the later one showed some character.