2008年8月27日 星期三

iphone girl

Guys, check out this link: http://www.iphonegirl.net/.

I would have to give two thumbs up for this new innovative marketing idea by Apple (with that said, I don't think this is a mistake at all, as portrayed by Apple's PR representative. It is very intended!).

What better way to not only show love from your dearest consumers, but also your poor chinese manufacturing workers.

2008年8月11日 星期一

Olympic stuffed-animal

For the record, I can't say those five olympic stuffed-animals are cute, or anything near it. And I wonder where the chinese got the idea of the design.

So I spotted a picture of them (see below) from Doug Smith's blog.

And now it shed some light on the source of the design...

No offence thought, I thought the opening ceremony was awsome!

2008年8月6日 星期三

Light in the office

And you really have to love your secretary if you are a boss in Hong Kong. They are just so "caring" that you wish you can have one for life.

So much for the who-gets-in-the-office-on-time game. Every morning I walk into the office, I have noticed one thing - the light is turned on in my boss’s office, but the door shut. My boss’s office is located towards the end of the hall way and behind some cubicles, so you can only see the door and light in the office from most angles (you can't see if anyone is in there though).

OK, I supposed my boss has beaten me to the office, since her office light is on every morning before I get in.

But well, I was tricked.

After some office investigation, I’ve found out it is the boss’s secretary who turns on the light in the morning, and she does it for exactly the reason I was tricked for. In fact, the boss actually keeps her door opened in the morning if she is in the office.

So the pattern works like this:

Light off + Door shut --> Boss not in
Light off + Door opened --> Boss not in
Light on + Door shut --> Boss not in
Light on + Door opened --> OK, she is there

So there goes the trap. But we all gotta appreciate the effort put forward by the secretary.