2008年5月22日 星期四

Use me

So every time there is a meeting, my boss always grabs one of her associates (me being one of them) to go with her. It doesn't seem to matter if we have the expertise or knowledge for the subject of the meeting, someone goes with her.

So I have been wondering why? Why would she pull someone away from his desk - where he could potentially be more productive.

And I have just figured it out, the boss wants her associate there so, IF, there is follow-up work that falls on her plate, the associate is the one doing it.

But why can't she attend the the meeting herself and assign the task afterwards? Spare the associate from attending the meeting where he will likely not add a penny in the process. Because she doesn't want to explain the background information again. The logic is by attending the meeting the associate will somehow figure everything out himself.

So picture this, you are rushed into a meeting, knowing nothing of it, you sit through the meeting and don't say a word. Then one of the two things happens: meeting is dismissed and you have just wasted two hours of god knows what, or, you get a "ok, you know what to do right?".

I know I know, I really need to get used to the asian management style...
