2008年4月23日 星期三

Raptors Playoff round 1 - Game 1 and 2

Watching game 1 and 2 of Raptors' playoff, something really striked me: aside from CB4, we really don't have a second go-to guy. CB4 really didn't play that well in both game 1 and 2 either, decent in game 2, but not great.

And I have officially joined the I-hate-TJ-Ford group. Watching him play at times reminded me of Kobe, only that he is missing all the skills that Kobe has. Not sure if we can trade him in the off season though, he is injury prone and all-about-me.

Can't wait to see what kind of magic Colangelo can pull together in the off season, we really don't have lots of trading chips. And not sure if trading Calderon and keeping Ford is something anyone should contemplate, it is a dumb idea, Jerry.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

It's highly possible...I mean, buy low sell high principle applies to Calderon. You can't get a decent scoring option without giving up something of value. In this case, although Calderon is a better PG, Ford is still "serviceable" and the Raps will be a better team with a real second option.