2008年4月23日 星期三


So what is the single biggest difference between business operation in North America and Hong Kong? I would say it is TRUST.

North America starts a relationship by saying: "I want to trust you, until you prove it to me that I should not".

The HK way: "I don't trust you, but if you can, prove it that I am wrong."

For example. If you call in sick in North America, most of the time it requires only a phone call (that is why it is called "call-in-sick"). But in HK, you need to submit a doctor's note, else you don't get paid. (that is why we should call it "submit-a-doctors-note-and-prove-you-were-sick")

Yup, it feels like high school all over again in Hong Kong, doesn't it.

This is the fundamental difference in corporate culture between the west and the east. It is why managers in HK tend to micro-manage more, because you are just not trusted.

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

hey! "I want to trust you, and please prove it to me that I can."

Unknown 提到...

I think they are on to you. Time to 'fess up and tell them you went with me to Macau last Friday.....hahahah