2008年4月5日 星期六

Fast Food Restaurant Menu

So it just occured to me there is gotta be some science in restaurant menus.

Woke up this morning around 8 - thanks to my jetlag, decided to do some good old Cafe De Coral for lunch. By the way, Cafe De Coral is my favourite fast food restaurant in HK, and I would rank Maxim second. I have always like Coral, not that because I use it too much since I live alone, but that it is well run, well managed.

As I approach towards the menu board, I started screening for something a bit more healthy and easy for an early stomach. The menu board is sitted next to the cashier counter, it is about 8 feets tall and 6 feets wide. It is separated into 4 columns.

It took me about 20 seconds to find something I want - fish with rice in corn sauce. It is somewhere in the 3rd column from the left, and in the bottom end of the menu board.

As I recall, the first few items under the 1st column are most oily dishes, and it sort of gets lighter as you move from 1st towards the 3rd one (the 4th column is for drinks). Now, suppose most customers screen for dishes in the same manner that I do - from left to right and top to bottom, that means I am not picking a very popular dish, otherwise they would have put it before the 3rd column.

Hm...so much for a healthy diet for Hongkongers. I wonder when the aktin's diet will start its root in HK, but it will be easy to tell when it does, we only need to look as far as the dish order on a Cafe De Coral menu.
