2008年9月28日 星期日

Spoiled Asian Flyers

It was an interesting read on today's SCMP column, of an interview on Tony Tyler, CEO of Cathay Pacific Airlines.

Some passenger was also interviewed and he shared his experience with Cathay:

"...Others say that faltering cabin crew morale is having a divisive impact. 'On a good day, Cathay is still the best in the world', judges another frequent flier, 'but you can't be sure of a good day. I travel ecnomy because business is tooexpensive. On one outbound flight recently, I felt like royalty, the crew were superb. The inflight manager, whom I had never met before, talked to me at length even though the flight was full. All the crew greeted me by name, made sure I got Perrier with lemon, my meal choice, little things that don't cost anything except professional effort, wonder, Cathay is the best."

"On the return sector, it was the exact, dismal opposite. I was carrying some flowers. The inflight manager commented as I got on board, 'Nice; are they for me?' That was the last I saw of her"

"No one offered to put the flowers in the chiller, as good Cathay or a Japanese airline would have done automatically. The service was mediocre, and the crew spent time in the galley chatting about what to do on their layover..."

So as I read the 'bad' service this passenger saw on his return flight, I thought, hey, that is 'good service' on a Air Canada flight.
